INVEST IN GOLD BEFORE OCTOBER 2017.  I had an Open Vision the other day I had just woke up and before I got out of bed I saw the most amazing sight.  Overwhelmingly breathtaking and I still see it and it keeps coming before me.  I can best describe it as Rockefeller Center’s Ice Skating Rink in New York City, YES!  I saw what looked like a park with beautiful trees all around and  a GOLD  Ice Skating Rink.  Solid Gold beautifully impeccably shining sparkling GOLD, with the exception no Ice Skates, Feet, Feet walking on it coming from all walks of life. It was not a lot of feet, like overcrowding yet, enough to see feet and the GOLD was endless, it had no end.  If anyone knows the meaning of this, please share.  Love you more.  Selah!


  1. Reply
    kinyua Daniel. says

    Streets of gold are in new jerusalem,the city that jesus has prepared for those who will concur the world.

  2. Reply
    Pastor Makoba Bernard Emmanuel says

    I salute you for the good work you are doing in the kingdom of God. I would love to know a little more about your ministry.
    I have a ministry called Christian Healing center Church.(U) with a total of 15 churches in Eastern Uganda.

  3. Reply
    Makoba Bernard Emmanuel says

    The vision is basically about the new Jerusalem “Revelation 21:18” prepared for God’s elect,those that have washed their robes in the blood of Jesus, the conquerors.

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